Annual catholic appeal

giving beyond the parish to help others in the Diocese

Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA)

We invite you to give to our local community by participating in our diocesan Annual Catholic Appeal. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Click the link below to give and read Fr. Steve's ACA letter.

Give to the ACA Fr. Steve's ACA Letter

Thank you for your generosity! 

In 2024 our parish goal was $76,660 and as of January 8, 2025 we have raised over $77,590 (including pledges) which means we have exceeded our goal. Any amount collected above our goal goes into our parish facilities improvement fund. Imagine what we could accomplish and how we could grow if every household in the parish participates? See our ACA parish trends in the table below. Click the button below to give to the ACA fund or contact Debbie with questions.

Year 2025 (as of 3/5) 2024 2023
Parish Goal $76,490 $76,660 $76,830
Amount Raised $14,250 $77,590 $83,202
Amount Raised over goal $930 $6,098
% of families that participated xx 145
% of HH that contributed xx% 12%

Advancing Our Mission

In 2025, united with parishes and schools throughout the diocese, we can make a tremendous impact as we strive to carry out the mission Jesus entrusted to us by supporting Catholic Schools, Faith Formation, Catholic Charities, and Clergy Formation and Support. Watch the 5-minute video that includes more details about this year's appeal, along with a message from Cardinal McElroy.

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