Registration required to request food. You can either register online or via phone.
Day: Tuesdays
Time: 8:30-10:30 am
Location: St. B's parking lot
Every Tuesday food packages are available for distribution to qualifying households through a combination of home delivery (primarily for seniors and those who cannot drive). Registration is required to request additional food packages and federal program income guidelines apply. However, no documentation or ID is required. While registration does not guarantee food availability, registered households have generally received food within a week of registering. Registered households will be called and emailed to confirm drive thru appointment times and delivery date/time. Also explore these other food resources including the San Diego Food Bank, CCSA or Catholic Charities.
Did you know our Knights of Columbus took over running this Food Pantry, in collaboration with Catholic Charities, during the pandemic in June, 2020 and since that time have helped over 2,600 families and 8,000 people by providing 25,000 meals.
But all are welcome to help us pack the food, deliver the food, or distribute the food on Tuesdays from 8:30-10:30 am. To help or learn more contact John or visit our local Knights webpage.