
Together, we make an impact!

in living our mission to encounter, love, and serve Jesus, one another, and the world!

Online Giving

It's as easy as 1-2-3

  1. Click the Give or Pay button below
  2. Select Sunday Offering or another donation type
  3. Click recurring donation or one-time payment and then enter your donation amount and frequency

See the online giving flyer for more details.

Give Pay Email Debbie

Why we give

Our parish mission to encounter, love, and serve Jesus, one another, and the world is carried out through your stewardship—discipleship in action—as you generously share your time, talents, and treasure. There are many ways we share our treasure. As part of a faith community, we share our financial resources by giving planned, regular, and proportional contributions to the our Sunday Offering and other financial contributions that are integral to our ability to carry on Jesus’ mission and gospel message.

In addition to the Sunday Offering, we are called to contribute to the local Church through our diocese’s Annual Catholic Appeal which serves so many in San Diego and Imperial Counties. Giving beyond our local community can include special collections throughout the year and giving to organizations such as Catholic Relief Services.

Online giving

Giving online just got easier, try it today! Our new partnership with Pushpay is convenient, safe, and helps our parish be better stewards of our time and resources. You can either give to our Sunday offering and other charitable funds or pay for your wedding, our GIFT faith formation, Padre tickets, etc.

Benefits of online giving

  • It's convenient, safe, and saves time
  • Track your giving whenever you want
  • Print your records or tax statements

Explore how the parish uses your financial gifts and explore other ways we give back to our community and beyond by clicking the links below.

Questions on giving?

Explore our FAQs below
  • Why give online? It's convenient, safe, and saves time

    Online giving reduces time, costs, and environmental impact—Did you ever think about what happens after the collection is taken up on Sunday? Envelopes must be separated from loose cash, opened, compared against the dollar amount written on the outside, and recorded. Checks much be logged and stamped. Bills (and coins) must be separated by denomination, counted and re-counted. And all this must be deposited at the bank. The one-time-use envelopes must be shredded if they have personal information on them, and recycled. When you give online, these steps are either eliminated or automated.

    Scheduling your gift—whether it be weekly, bi-monthly, monthly, quarterly, or annually—helps us budget for our ministries and helps you keep on track with your intentional giving whether you are home or traveling. Credit card points are a handy bonus too! 

    Make a greater impact for God’s Kingdom—Your financial stewardship remains consistent whether you are traveling, visiting another parish, or forgot your checkbook or envelope. That year-round consistency positively impacts the stability and growth of our parish ministries and outreach programs.

  • What is the Sunday Offering?

    The Sunday Offering is the fund that sustains our parish’s operating expenses and helps us carry out our mission to encounter, love and serve Jesus, one another, and the world. Did you know that all of our income comes from you, our parishioners?

  • How much should I give?

    We are called to return the first portion of all God has given us. But what is that portion? Many Catholics tithe—or give 10% of their total income—in grateful return for God’s gifts. Some give more. Regardless of your current giving level, why not “take a step?” If you are currently giving 5%, increase to 6%. If you’re giving 1%, start giving 2%. If you aren’t currently in the habit of regular giving, plan to start. And remember, you can’t out give God!

  • Prefer to not give online? Other ways to contribute

    The preferred way to give is through online giving. However, you may also contribute by placing your Sunday Offering in envelopes in the offering baskets at Mass or by submitting them to the parish office. 

    You can also gift stocks, or contribute legacy gifts through estate planning, and bequests. These are wonderful ways to be financially prudent, save on taxes, and help serve the message of Jesus.

  • How can we imitate Christ — the greatest giver of all time, with our giving?

    In the Gospels, Jesus talks about money and possessions in an amazing 1 out of 10 verses! As disciples, we are compelled to follow His commands and share our financial resources as well as our time and talents. We are asked to share in proportion to the gifts we have been given and to share of our first fruits, not our leftovers. In all that we do, we are called to live in the image of God, who is the greatest giver of all! Through our Baptism, we have been entrusted with the mission of Jesus Christ. In the Gospels, Jesus instructs us to give generously of our treasure to help carry out that mission. Our financial giving should be prayerfully planned, intentionally scheduled, and proportionate to our income.

 “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your produce." - Proverbs 3:9

ways to give

Give, pay, contact Debbie, or contribute to the Annual Catholic Appeal.
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