

Encountering Jesus at Mass and sacramental preparation

Vacation Bible School

Save the Date!

July 21-25, 9 am - 12 pm each day

Join us this summer for an Alaskan Adventure!

Vacation Bible School Info

9 am Mass - Preschool Sunday School

We are looking for helpers to get our 9 am Mass Preschool Sunday School restarted! If you are interested in helping with the Preschool Sunday School ministry on a weekly or monthly basis, please contact Gayle.

Email Gayle

Kids at Mass

Kids of all ages are most welcome at all Masses. But the 9 am Mass in particular has many options for kids of all ages to actively participate. Explore our Kids at Mass section below to see what are good options for your family.

And if you feel you need to step out of Mass at any time, you may use our Bride's Room which has a tv that is showing Mass. The Bride's Room is off the front of the Church down the hallway next to the stairs to the choir loft. You may also pop outside in front of the Church or the Plaza on the side of the Church, both of which have speakers so you can still hear the Mass.

Faith Formation and Sacramental Preparation of Kids

Our faith formation program for children in grades 1-8, which includes sacrament preparation, takes place through our Growing in Faith Together (GIFT) family faith formation program. Our GIFT program follows a two part approach to faith formation with once a month family sessions, September – May, where parents attend with their children, and weekly sessions of children’s only classes by grade in two seasons, one in the fall (approx. Oct-Dec) and one in the spring (approx. Feb-Apr). Family sessions vary by month as either formation, service, or social events. The weekly children’s sessions are offered on Tuesdays from 6-7 pm.

Family Mass Resources

It's no secret, Mass is hard with kids. Here are a few family Mass resources listed below to help you experience God's presence together.

  • Come to the Altar - define 'why you go to Mass and learn ways for your kids to have a more meaningful experience at Mass
  • Partners in Faith - monthly newsletter with practical tips for living your faith
  • Catholic Mom - Sunday Mass activities

kids at mass

Explore the different ways your kids can participate at Mass
  • Toddlers and Preschoolers - Sunday School (on break)

    Sunday School is offered for children during the 9 am Mass and offered throughout the year, taking breaks for major holidays. Children meet in the Ocean Room before Mass, are checked in by their parents and then are picked up by their parents on the altar at the end of Mass. During Sunday School, children will review the Sunday Gospel reading, enjoy music and crafts, and learn more about our faith. Pre-registration for Sunday School is not necessary and open to all parishioners and visitors. Parents are welcome to stay with their child for class or return to Mass. Drop off begins at 8:50am at the Ocean Room on the north side of the church by the plaza. Please make sure your child has used the bathroom or is wearing a clean diaper prior to drop off. It is not necessary for child to be potty trained. For bathroom needs, a supervisor will need to get the parents in the church and the parents will be responsible for diapering and bathroom needs. Children must be signed into class by a responsible party. For anyone interested in helping either weekly or on a rotating basis, or any questions about Sunday School, please contact Gayle

  • Ages 4 thru 9 - Children's Liturgy of the Word

    Throughout the year, Children's Liturgy of the Word is offered on Sunday mornings during the 9 am Mass. Children ages 4-9 are invited after the opening prayers to go to the John Paul II room with adult leaders to hear the Liturgy of the Word presented in a way geared towards their comprehension. Following the homily, children return to the main parish assembly to join their families in time for the Preparation of the Gifts and the remainder of Mass. Registration is not required to participate in Children's Liturgy of the Word.

  • 3rd grade and older - Children Lectors and Altar Servers

    Children who are in 3rd grade and above are invited to consider being a child lector or altar server. Child lectors are trained throughout the year and have the opportunity to proclaim the Word of God during regular weekend Masses.  Altar servers can be trained as needed and are invited to serve at any of the weekend Masses throughout the year. Contact Gayle if you would like to sign up for the next trainings or have any questions.

Need to reach us?

Learn more about other opportunities for Families, our GIFT program, or contact Gayle.
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