Pope Francis is inviting all of the world’s Catholics to participate in a consultation about how the Church journeys with them, invites their authentic communication, listens to their concerns, and promotes their participation in the full life of the Church. This consultation will bring together the people in the pews, clergy, religious and those living on the margins, in a gathering the Church calls a “synod.” This synod is focused on how the Church engages all of these groups in the life of the Church all levels. The synod’s theme is “For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation and Mission.”
The Catholic Church is facing unprecedented challenges the world over. Many have stopped practicing their faith. Countries, communities and families are divided. The pandemic is having a devastating impact. In this crucial moment, the Church is forging a pathway to profound renewal. The Church is holding a consultation, or synod, inviting participants to encounter one another, listen to each other’s experiences, and discover together what God is calling the Church to do in these times. The insights that come from this consultation will be used to renew our parishes, schools and the diocese itself by strengthening a church culture that listens to its faithful, makes them co-responsible for the life of the church and reflects their wisdom.
Explore our synod journey below, learn more about what our Diocese is doing, read a wonderful 1-page article called
Fostering a Culture of Synodality
written by one of our parishioners,
or contact Julie for more details.
In 2024 and 2025 the synodal journey continues. In 2024, 19 parishes from across the diocese (including St. B's) discussed eight key themes of synodality given to us by Pope Francis: Communion, Participation, Mission, Mercy, Renewal, Rejecting a Throwaway Culture, Listening, and Guidance by the Holy Spirit (Co-responsibility).
From there our parish created top two goals, one of which related to listening via our Disciple Maker Index (DMI) Survey; parish summary below.
If you'd like to join the parish discussion, contact
In October and November, 2023, over 12,000 people in the Diocese participated in a Synod small group listening session, including 262 people from St. B's (the majority in a C2C small group). Over 40% of our participants were young adults (ages 20-39), 14% were youth (ages 12-18) and 13 were Spanish-speaking. For more details, explore the results below.
Drawing upon the results from the listening sessions a survey was created to ask people their opinions on what surfaced from the listening sessions. Over 2,700, including 217 from St. B's, completed an electronic survey.
From this discernment phase a few themes emerged. Respondents:
For more details, explore the results below.
In March, 2022, over 10,000 people in the Diocese participated in a Synod small group listening session, including 196 people from St. B's (the majority in a C2C small group). Almost half of our participants were young adults (ages 20-39) and 3/4 of the people were women. For more details, explore the results below.