
Together, we make an impact!

in living our mission to encounter, love, and serve Jesus, one another, and the world!

Sharing your treasure

As members of a faith community, we know that it takes all of us to accomplish God’s work. If we all chip in, in proportion to our resources, we can make a significant impact in the lives of others—those in our parish family, in our community, and well beyond Pacific Beach. We prayerfully and intentionally consider what we are being called to give to our Sunday offering, the annual diocesan appeal, and other worthwhile causes. Learn more about St. B's stewardship of treasure through our profit and loss or impact statement below.

Give Profit and Loss

An invitation from Fr. Steve - December, 2024

At Saint Brigid Parish, we strive to be intentional in forming people and sending them out as disciples of Jesus in the world, in responding to his call that we hear in the Gospel of Luke to Encounter, Love, and Serve Jesus, One Another, and the World.

I continue to be amazed at the ways in which you as individual disciples and all of us together as a community of faith witness to the Lord’s infinite compassion and mercy in the world in which we live and work.

I am delighted to let you know that your increased giving since my appeal last year enable the parish to conclude the fiscal year in June 2024 out of the red and in the black for the first time since the covid pandemic!

As we approach the end of the calendar year, I invite all of us together to consider prayerfully our financial support of the parish, so that we can continue to thrive in the mission entrusted to us as disciples of Jesus. The insert included with this letter will give you a sense of what we have been doing this past year.

I invite you to consider what percentage, and corresponding dollar amount, of your annual income, that you would like to set as a goal for your charitable giving. Consider giving half of this amount to the parish and the other half to other charities for which you have a passion in supporting. For calendar year 2024 my goal was $3,300 to the parish and $3,300 to other charities. For calendar year 2025 I am committing $3,500 to the parish and $3,500 to other charities.

If you are able, I ask you to consider increasing your giving from the past year. Our parish budget for the year at $1.4 million is about 3% higher than last year simply due to cost of living expenses for staff salary and benefits and other operating costs.

May the Lord who is abundant in His blessings beyond all our imagining continue to be with us, to sustain us, and to guide and inspire us all.

Sincerely yours in ChristFather Steve Callahan 

Annual Stewardship of Treasure Report - Fiscal Year 2024

Did you know that all of our income comes from you, our parishioners? Here is a bird's eye view of our financial picture from Fiscal Year (FY) 2023, July 1, 2022-June 20, 2023, vs. the prior year. For more details see our FY 2024 Profit and Loss and Impact statements.

Profit and Loss FY 2024 FY 2023 FY 2022
Income (Millions) $1.565 $1.379 $1.282
Expenses (Millions) $1.457 $1.405 $1.361
Profit/(Loss) $108,267 ($25,231) ($79,843)
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