
sacrament of initiation

A personal encounter with Jesus Christ in the Eucharist

GIFT Registration

GIFT registration for 2024-25 now open!

GIFT Registration

Sacramental Preparation for Children

First Communion and First Reconciliation (Confession) at Saint Brigid Parish follow a-two year preparation process, traditionally starting in first grade, and are completed through our GIFT program. If your child is older than second grade, we still follow a two year process through the regular classes, but with some additional focus during the second year on the study of the sacraments.

What is GIFT?

Growing in Faith Together (GIFT) is our Faith Formation or Religious Education program. And while traditionally this is seen as a children’s program, the reality is we should all be growing in faith throughout our lives. GIFT incorporates full families so everyone can keep growing in faith and relationship with God, while also encouraging a wider sense of community throughout the parish. 

Can non-Catholics receive Communion?

Fr. Steve shares with us, that the most accurate answer to this question is no a simple "no" or "yes" but "it depends." Read more here.

Need to reach us?

Contact Gayle, learn more about our GIFT program, or request your First Communion certificate if you received your First Communion at St. B's.
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