
come celebrate mass with us!

we look forward to seeing you

Mass Times


5:30 pm


7:30, 9, and 11 am

5:30 pm


7:30 am

Ash wednesday - March 5

7:30 am, 12, 5:30 and 7:30 pm

Confession Times


4-5 pm or by appointment or

4th Wednesdays from 6-7 pm (w/adoration)

Extra confession times during Lent

More Questions

If you're new, explore our FAQs about what to expect when you join us for Mass. 

How can we pray for you?

Do you have a prayer request or want to request a Mass Intention?

Mass Resources

Do you sometimes get distracted at Mass? Have you and your family and friends ever had questions about Mass? What are all those signs and symbols? Who says the Mass is boring? Explore the resources below to better appreciate the Catholic Mass.

  • Mass Schedule - see which priest is presiding at Mass at St. B's
  • Mass Readings - follow along with the daily Scripture readings from USCCB
  • Order of the Mass - follow along with the 2-page guide that includes prayers and responses
  • Step-by-Step Guide - read this 2-page guide that explains the Mass
  • Get More Out of Mass - practical and simple ways to get more out of Mass using Nextstep card and video for ideas and inspiration
  • The Meaning of Liturgy videos - want to know more about a specific part of the Mass; watch these 3 to 5-minute videos.
  • Mass in Slow Motion - watch Father Steve and Deacon Chris as they walk us through the Mass in our own Church (2 hours each)

aren't able to celebrate mass with us!

find a Mass while traveling, listen to Mass on the radio or watch on tv

Out of Town?

Find a nearby parish to attend Mass while you are away.

Catholic Mass Times Parishes Online Catholic Directory

Listen to Mass on the Radio

Relevant Radio San Diego 1000 AM (formerly Immaculate Heart Radio)

monday - SATURDAY

5:30 pm


5 pm

Watch Mass on TV

Provider EWTN-Mass at 8 am, 12 and 7 pm Heart of the Nation
Local - KFMB Channel 8 at 8:30 am
AT&T Universe Channel 562 Channel 6 at 8:30 am
Spectrum (Time Warner) Channel 460 Channel 6 at 8:30 am
Cox Channel 5151 Channel 6 at 8:30 am
Dish Network Channel 261 Channel 6 at 8:30 am
Direct TV Channel 370
C-Band Satellite Channel G1-11
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