Full description of workshops below.
Day: Saturday, March 8
Time: 10 am-12 pm
Location: Bay Room
Day: Saturday, March 22
Time: 12:30 - 2:30 pm
Location: Bay Room
CWP stands for Caring for the Whole Person and is an initiative of Saint Brigid Parish and the Diocese of San Diego, in partnership with the California Catholic Conference. It is designed for people planning for end-of-life care.
Our mission is to provide spiritual accompaniment to all parishioners and their families, by being present and offering compassionate support and resource referrals in times of sickness, suffering, and for approaching the end of life. Additional goals include:
In need of support or interested in helping? Fill out our interest form below or contact Mary Pat.
Physical, psychosocial, and spiritual perspectives of dying. Preparing for this transition often bring comfort to oneself, family, and friends. Topics include how we die, the dying process, and helpful interventions. Spirituality of Dying will include how to live well so as to die well, befriending death, ethical, and religious directives and rites
and rituals.
These documents are called ‘peace of mind’ documents because that is what they provide. In this document you designate a trusted person who will make health care decisions for you IF you are not able to make them yourself. In California anyone over the age of 18 is eligible. The POLST (Physician’s Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment) offers choices in interventions regarding emergency treatment. Planning for your future health care allows you to have choices when the time comes
that treatment is needed.
Palliative and Hospice Care are “gifts” that are available to improve the quality of life for ourselves and our loved ones in case of a serious illness.
Palliative Care "what matters to you?" not "what is the matter with you?" It is available at “any age, any stage any disease”
Hospice Care focuses on resources for end of life care.
Explore resources below including