Holy Orders

a sacrament of vocation

Is the Lord possibly calling you to the priesthood, diaconate, or religious life?

What is the Sacrament of Holy Orders?

The Sacrament of Holy Orders anoints and enables a person in their vocation as Priest, Deacon, or Religious Sister. The gift of these vocations fuel our Church and give great examples of literally giving one’s life to Jesus. These bold men and women stand for us and with us, convicted in their beliefs, carrying the light of the world wherever they are called. 

Attend the next Explorer Day - March 22, 2025

If living a life of service for Christ and the people of God is attractive to you, take advantage of the opportunity to attend an upcoming Explorer Day hosted by the Diocese. Explorer Day provides men an opportunity to learn more about the priesthood and how to discern God's call. To learn more, contact Fr. Steve or visit the Diocesan vocations webpage. 

We are blessed here at St. B's

At Saint Brigid Parish, we are blessed to have two priests and three deacons who tirelessly celebrate the sacraments, serve the parish, and lead us on our parish mission to encounter, love and serve Jesus, one another, and the world. We've also had many parishioners over the years discern a call to the priesthood or religious life, including Sr. Sara.

Deacon Patrick

Our newest deacon, ordained in 2021, now calls himself a 'toddler' deacon.

"I want to reach past the parish boundaries to bring Christ's message of love to the average person walking down the street in PB, and yes the whole world."

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