
a sacrament of initiation

Strengthened by the gifts of the Holy Spirit - Wisdom, Knowledge, Counsel, Fortitude, Understanding, Piety, and Wonder and Awe 

Upcoming Events

Confirmation Retreat

Days: January 10 - 12, 2025

Location: Whispering Winds

Contact Noreen with questions.

Confirmation Retreat Sign-Up Email Noreen Text or Call Noreen

Learn More about the new confirmation process and register, if you haven't already.

Confirmation Registration Confirmation FAQs

Catholic Confirmation

Confirmation is the beginning of the rest of our lives as Catholics! It is the moment where you stand up for yourself, claiming that God has a primary place in your life and you are choosing to live differently because of that fact. The Holy Spirit, once again, enters your heart and stirs up the gifts God gave you at Baptism to be your truest self. If you are an adult over 18 years seeking confirmation, please go to the Becoming Catholic (RCIA) page. Typically, Catholics are Confirmed as teenagers, and our regular process is open to High Schoolers as early as Freshman year.

Sacramental Preparation for Teens - NEW!

Who should participate? Teens in high school who are in need of Confirmation (Confirmation Year 1 and 2) and post-Confirmation teens.

What will it look like? Confirmation preparation at Saint Brigid Parish is a two-year process for high school age teens to help them grow in their relationship with Jesus as His disciples. Candidates will continue their faith formation by participating in a small group, the sacramental life of the Church, retreat experiences, and service to the community.

Candidates are expected to participate in the following:

  • Youth small group session in the fall and spring
  • Large group meetings as scheduled
  • Weekly Sunday celebrations of the Eucharist
  • Retreats as offered
  • Opportunities to serve the community

Small groups based on gender, availability, and year for Confirmation Year 1, Confirmation Year 2, and post-Confirmation facilitated by adult mentors. Youth Ministry nights will be held monthly, and there will be an option for post-Confirmation teens to serve as teen leaders alongside the adult mentors. See FAQs below for more details or email Noreen.

Our confirmation process is evolving

with the hope to make God a tangible presence in you or your teen's life, fostering a lasting relationship with Him.
  • Who should participate?

    Teens in high school who are in need of Confirmation (Confirmation Year 1 and 2) and post-Confirmation teens.

  • What will the Confirmation process look like?

    Confirmation preparation at Saint Brigid Parish is a two-year process for high school age teens to help them grow in their relationship with Jesus as His disciples. Candidates will continue their faith formation by participating in a small group, the sacramental life of the Church, retreat experiences, and service to the community. 

    Candidates are expected to participate in the following:

    • Youth small group session in the fall and spring
    • Large group meetings as scheduled
    • Weekly Sunday celebrations of the Eucharist
    • Retreats as offered
    • Opportunities to serve the community

    Small groups based on gender, availability, and year for Confirmation Year 1, Confirmation Year 2, and post-Confirmation facilitated by adult mentors. Youth Ministry nights will be held monthly, and there will be an option for post-Confirmation teens to serve as teen leaders alongside the adult mentors.

  • Why is the Confirmation process evolving?

    Last year, teens showed notable growth in discussing their faith during a joint retreat with a neighboring parish, highlighting the effectiveness of our small group process. Small groups, led by adult mentors, provide a space for teens to openly share their thoughts, struggles, and faith experiences. This approach integrates God into daily life, moving beyond a Sunday-only experience and making faith a natural part of their conversations and relationships.

    Life Teen, a leading Catholic youth ministry organization, emphasizes that a mix of small and large group interactions is most effective for high school teens.* My decade of experience in college and young adult ministry supports this, as many adults express losing their faith after Confirmation. Everett Fritz’s book, The Art of Making Young Disciples, cites that 82% of young Catholics lose their faith in college, underscoring the importance of personal, meaningful relationships with Christ.

    Our goal with small groups is to make God a tangible presence in teens' lives, fostering a lasting relationship with Him.Children who are in 4th grade and above are invited to consider being a child lector or altar server. Child lectors are trained throughout the year and have the opportunity to proclaim the Word of God during regular weekend Masses.  Altar servers can be trained as needed and are invited to serve at any of the weekend Masses throughout the year. Contact Gayle if you would like to sign up for the next trainings or have any questions.

  • When will the Confirmation Teens meet?

    Groups will be scheduled on various days to accommodate the diverse schedules of our teens, as we recognize that not everyone can attend on Thursdays. This flexibility aims to ensure that each teen can participate in meaningful discussions according to their availability. However, once a teen is assigned to a specific group day, they are expected to remain committed to that day for the entire season or year.

    Confirmation ceremonies are planned late Spring, depending on the availability of the Bishop(s).

  • How does the Confirmation process work?

    Confirmation preparation at St. Brigid Parish is a two-year process for high school age teens to help them grow in their relationship with Jesus as His disciples. Candidates will continue their faith formation by participating in a small group, the sacramental life of the Church, retreat experiences, and service to the community. 

    Candidates are expected to participate in the following:

    • Youth small group session in the fall and spring
    • Large group meetings as scheduled Weekly Sunday celebrations of the Eucharist
    • Retreats as offered
    • Opportunities to serve the community

    Small groups are assigned based on: 1) Confirmation year or Post-Confirmation status, 2) same gender, 3) availability, and 4) preferences regarding group members. When registering, please consult your teen’s schedule to identify which days of the week will work best consistently. Small groups will meet 2-3 times a month, in addition to monthly Youth Ministry nights, during which weeks small groups will not meet, and Diocesan Youth Ministry events.

  • When is the 'right' time to get confirmed?

    In the Diocese of San Diego the minimum age for Confirmation is 15, so we encourage teens to consider beginning their preparation as they enter high school. Many will go through the preparation process as usual, while others take more time to discern or wait until they are farther into high school to make this commitment. There are also times, that a baptized Catholic hasn't been confirmed at the ordinary time and we certainly welcome them too. Whether you’re coming back to the Church, considering converting, or preparing to be a Godparent or sponsor, we want to help you see the Gifts of the Holy Spirit that are already at work in your life. Confirmation is all about living your Catholic faith and doing so fully, as God created you. Contact Noreen to learn more. 

need to reach us?

Contact Noreen, request your Confirmation certificate if you were confirmed at St. B's, or request a letter of good standing to be a confirmation sponsor.
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