In living our mission

We seek to provide continual formation opportunities for all ages.

Financial Peace University

Days: Thursdays, March 6-May 8

Times: 6:30-8:30 pm

Location: Bay Room

Cost; $80 per couple

Email Brie with questions

Register for FPU

Called and Gifted

Days: Thursdays, March 13-April 10

Called and Gifted Details

Explore ways to grow as a disciple of Christ

We seek to follow Jesus' model of formation by being in community with you and offering support as you live out your call to encounter, love, and serve Jesus, one another, and the world. Explore our opportunities below - like GIFT our faith formation program for the whole family, or our gifts discovery Strengths and Charisms workshops, or our summer School of Prayer, and our Theology Uncorked sessions. Also see below for other events.

Explore Formation Opportunities

Explore the many formation opportunities right here at St. B's led by our very own parishioners. Workshops or low cost or free and discounts and scholarships available. Various formation opportunities include:

  • Bible studies
  • Marriage enrichment
  • Finance and work-related workshops
  • 90-day independent spiritual journeys for men and women
  • Ignatian inspired workshops

Check out the many opportunities below.

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Financial Peace University

Thursdays March 6-May 8

If you've ever felt like you just can't get control of your money, you're not alone. You'd be surprised how many people are struggling just like you. But it's time for your struggle to end - starting today. Join Financial Peace University and learn how you can pay off debt, save more money, and build wealth. Nine-session workshop facilitated by our very own St. B's parishioners, Brie and Brent Wischnack. Contact Brie with questions or register today.

Workshop details: 9 weekly sessions.

Mark you calendar: March 6 - May 8 (no session on Holy Thursday - April 17).

ary 30 - February 27.

Time/Location: 6:30 - 8:30 pm, Bay Room

Cost: $80 per couple; discounts or scholarships available.

FPU Registration Email Brie
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Meets monthly on Saturdays

Returns May 17, 2025

Grace Marriage is designed to enrich, protect, and grow your marriage. Each session couples meet to explore different aspects of marriage through personal reflection, private sharing as a couple, and sharing with other couples. Contact Gayle with questions or register today.

Workshop duration: 7 monthly sessions, dinner and childcare provided.

Mark you calendar: May 17, June 21, August 16, September 20, October 18, November 15, and January 10, 2026.

Time/Location: 6:30 - 8:30 pm, Parish Hall

Cost: $200 per/couple or family; discounts or scholarships available.

Grace Marriage Registration Email Gayle
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Into the Deep Workshop

Easter Season 2025

Weekly retreat in daily live. Experience a variety of prayer forms including Ignatian Contemplation, Lectio Divina, Praying in Color, Visio Divina, Daily Examen, and Prayer of Consideration. Learn about St. Ignatius’ rules of discernment and how to apply them in your daily life. Receive take-home materials each week to “practice”  what you learned and use as guides in your personal prayer time. Contact Maryanne with questions or register today.

Workshop duration: 7 weekly sessions.

Mark you calendar: Coming Soon.

Cost: $50 per person; discounts or scholarships available.

Into the Deep Registration Email Maryanne
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Bible Study - Introduction to the Old Testament

An overview of the Old Testament, highlighting its organization, overall themes, historical context, and major events. Facilitated by our very own St. B's parishioner, Patrick Medema. Contact Patrick with questions or to register.

Workshop details: 5 weekly sessions.

Dates: Thursdays, January 30 - February 27, 2025.

Time/Location: 7:00 - 8:30 pm, Bay Room

Cost: Free.

Email Patrick
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Walking with God: A Journey through Luke Part 1

Have you been seeking an opportunity to explore God's Word? Join us for a bible study focused on the Gospel according to Luke. We'll journey through the first six chapters, reflecting on pivotal stories like the Annunciation, Nativity, Baptism of Christ, the Call of the first disciples and more. Facilitated by our very own St. B's parishioner, Nick Wuestner. Contact Nick via email or text with questions or register today.

Workshop details: 8 weekly sessions.

Dates: Tuesdays, January 7 - February 25, 2025.

Time/Location: 7:00 - 8:30 pm, Parish Hall and Ministry Center

Cost: Free.

WWG Registration Text Nick Email Nick
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Intentional Living Workshop

Returns January 2026

What if there was a God-centered alternative to New Year’s goals and resolutions? Imagine if, rather than asking God to bless your plans, you pray and discern God’s desires and purpose for you? During the course of this workshop, you will be focusing on:

  • Aligning Your Values with Christ’s Values
  • Reviewing Your Year with Christ
  • Hearing Christ's call and Living with Christ

Because the sessions build upon each other, attendance at all sessions is highly encouraged. Participants can anticipate spending approximately two hours per week of prayerful reflection time in between sessions. Contact Maryanne with questions.

Email Maryanne
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Magnify 90 - for women

January 20 - April 19

Do you find yourself not having enough time to focus on your faith? While it's true we must live in the world, we are also called to be a light in the world.

While Magnify 90 is primarily a 90-day independent spiritual journey, consider joining a weekly small group of 3-6 women from St. B's to build community and fellowship. Learn more and/or join a group or contact Julie with questions.

Magnify 90 duration: independent daily activities of asceticism and prayer.

Mark you calendar: January 20 - April, 19, 2025, always ends day before Easter. In 2026, starts January 5.

Cost: $20 book; purchase on your own.

Magnify 90 Website M90 Guidelines M90 Book Mag 90 St. B's Small Group
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Exodus 90 - for men

January 20 - April 19

Do you ever find yourself drinking too much, eating too much, or sleeping too much? Do you binge on social media, politics, or sports? Do you feel isolated? In these confusing times, we know that men want to be part of something bigger than themselves. Every man longs for "real" brothers - other men with whom they can have real conversations, other men who want to grow... in their relationship with God, their wives, their children and their community. If you're not satisfied with life and feel out of control, unmotivated, or less than you desire to be, join other men from St. B's on a 90-day journey to freedom. Learn more and contact Mark with questions.

Exodus 90 duration: independent daily activities of asceticism and prayer.

Mark you calendar:  January 20 - April, 19, 2025, always ends day before Easter. In 2026, starts January 5.

Exodus Website Email Mark
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The Work Exchange

Returns Summer 2025

Want more purpose, power, and peace at work no matter what your work is? Are you experiencing frustration, exhaustion, or ambivalence in your day-to-day activities because of the lies you believe about work. Maybe it's time to change how you work. Learn how to turn everything around, and exchange those lies about our work for God's truth.

Six-session workshop full of practical ideas for glorifying God in the actual work we do, whatever it is. Returns Summer 2025. Facilitated by our very own St. B's parishioners - Joe LaRussa. Contact Joe with questions or register today.

Workshop details: 6 weekly sessions.

Dates: Coming Soon.

Time/Location: Coming Soon.

Cost: $10.

Email Joe
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