Becoming Catholic (OCIA)

sacraments of initiation

Are you seeking to explore the Catholic faith>

Weekly OCIA Sessions

Day: Sundays

Time: 10-11:30 am

Location: Ministry Center

Enter the OCIA journey anytime! Contact Lee to learn more.

Email Lee

What is OCIA?

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA ), formerly known as RCIA, is the process by which the unbaptized, and baptized Christians of other faith traditions, may explore, discover, and deepen a relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ and enter into Christian discipleship, lived in and strengthened through the sacraments of the Catholic Church. The OCIA is a ritual process, as opposed to a program, characterized by an awakening or conversion of the heart that leads one to a life of Christian discipleship. The sacraments of initiation are Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. These sacraments are the foundations of the Christian life, and through them, we enter into the mystery of Jesus Christ’s saving death and Resurrection.

What does OCIA look like at St. B's?

OCIA sessions meet year-round, so now is always the time to step into this journey of deeper faith and preparation for the sacraments of initiation. Come and see!

How does the OCIA process flow at St. B's?

The OCIA process at Saint Brigid Parish exists year-round, so we're able to welcome seekers to explore with us whenever they feel called. Our process consists of weekly sessions on Sunday mornings, following the 9 am Mass. It's very much an individual journey, walked with and supported by others in the faith community.  Since our process is not tied to a strict timeline, we welcome everyone, whether you are unbaptized, a baptized Christian, or an adult baptized Catholic, to join our community whenever you're ready to take that step forward. While it’s generally true that the road to initiation is shorter for most baptized Christians, the unbaptized person needs a more comprehensive approach to faith, belief, and practice. Because of our community approach, the process for each individual can be personalized. Therefore, the journey simply takes as long as it takes. We welcome all inquiries and look forward to meeting you soon!

OCIA in the news

Saint Brigid Parish in the News - National Catholic Register from April 21, 2022.

Come and see

how the OCIA process has touched people's lives

OCIA - celebrate the fruits!

Our Order of Christian Initiation for Adults community is accompanying a growing number of seekers in their faith journey. To celebrate the fruit of renewal this Easter season, watch these short videos from our own parishioners sharing their personal reflections on their OCIA process. We meet year-round, virtually every Sunday morning, so now is always the time to step into this journey of deeper faith and preparation for the sacraments of initiation. Contact Lee Hulburt to enter this journey anytime. Come and see!

"When somebody has an answer for every question, it is a sign that they are not on the right road... God infinitely transcends us; he is full of surprises." - Pope Francis, Guadete exsultate #41 (Rejoice and Be Glad)

"The catechumenate is not a mere exposition of dogmatic truths and norms or morality, but a period of formation into the whole Christian life, an apprenticeship of sufficient duration, during which the disciples will be joined to Christ their teacher." - Vatican II - Ad Gentes #14

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