
What is prayer?

talking and listening to God as we would a close friend

How can we pray for you?

Prayer Request Mass Intention

Pray at St. B's

In addition to Mass, explore a variety of prayer opportunities offered at St. B's each week from adoration, centering prayer, healing prayer, and more.

Prayer Request

How can we pray for you. Send us your prayer request and our prayer team will pray for you and your loved one ones.

Mass Intention

A Mass Intention is a wonderful way for you to request that the priest 'offer' a Mass for someone you know and love. These intentions many times are for the soul of a deceased person, but may also be for the personal intentions of the living (such as their birthday).

Prayer Resources

There are countless prayer resources but listed below are a few of our favorites.

  • Listen to the Bible in a Year podcast with Fr. Mike Schmitz
  • Listen to the Catechism in a Year podcast with Fr. Mike Schmitz
  • Develop a daily prayer habit by taking on the 1% challenge spending 15 minutes (1%) a day in God's word

Pray at St. B's

explore a wide variety of prayer opportunities
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New Adoration Hours

Thursdays 8 am-1 pm

2nd Mondays 7-8 pm

4th Wednesdays 6-7 pm with Confession

In adoration we come to pray in silence before the Eucharist, sometimes referred to as the Blessed Sacrament, exposed on the altar in a monstrance (ornate vessel used to display a consecrated Eucharistic Host). Join us for a few minutes or stay an hour.

Email Debbie
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First Fridays 7-8 pm

NightWATCH is candlelight adoration with music. It is a great way to encounter Jesus through prayer and praise music. Join us for a few minutes or stay for an hour. Contact Deacon Mike with questions.

Email Deacon Mike
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Mondays at 6 pm-JPII Room

Tuesdays/Wednesdays at 4 pm-virtual

A prayer of quiet, or resting designed to reduce the obstacles to an intimate personal relationship with God, and to promote personal healing and spiritual growth. It is an old form of prayer, similar to meditation, that has been practiced by Christians for over 1,500 years.

Mondays - Brian Tues/Wed - Karen
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New Prayer Opportunity-at home!

Pray the Rosary with your family via the Apostolate of Mary in the Domestic Church

A Marian ministry with a heartfelt mission: promote the recitation of the Holy Rosary within your home. In teams of two, we visit your home with a pilgrim image, praying with people in your household. During the week we encourage all to continue praying the rosary together. One week later, upon our return, we present the household with a smaller image as a gift. Choose a date to receive the image of Our Lady or contact Nancy Lemarroy for more info.

Email Nancy
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Healing Prayer

First Sundays 10-11 am

John Paul II Room

Healing prayer is an opportunity to have members of our prayer team pray with you for your physical, emotional, mental, and/or spiritual needs

Email Mike or Kathy Call Mike or Kathy 858.715.9831
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