
a sacrament of healing

Also called Confession or Penance

Confession Times

Weekly: Saturdays 4-5 pm

Monthly: 4th Wednesdays from 6-7 pm (with adoration). Or call for an appointment.

Extra Times for Lent

During Advent and Lent we have extra confession times.

  • Wed. March 26 at 6 pm
  • Wed. April 9 at 8 am and 6 pm
  • Wed. April 16 at 8 am
  • Mon. April 14 at 8 am
  • Sat. April 19 at 9 am (no confession at 4 pm)
Call the Parish Office

What is the Sacrament of Reconciliation?

Reconciliation (or Confession) is a celebration of God’s merciful love for us. He doesn’t want us to fall, fail, or put ourselves down because of a mistake. He wants us to know He’s on our side so He waits for us with open arms when we come to Him with repentant hearts.

We practice Confession by admitting our shortcomings to a priest, because the priest is “in persona Christi” (“in the person of Christ”) in this sacrament. We are all in need of healing—who better to help us than Jesus. Confession is not about punishment, but about making things right again. The most important thing is that we are honest with ourselves and with God, so we can receive His love and grace.

First Reconciliation for children

Preparing for First Reconciliation usually happens within the formation for First Communion, or within RCIA for those being fully welcomed into the Catholic Church.

For children, First Communion and First Reconciliation at St. B's follows a two year preparation process, traditionally starting in the 1st grade, and are completed through our GIFT program for children and families. If your child is older than 2nd grade, we still follow a two year process through the regular classes, but with some additional focus during the second year on the study of the sacraments. Contact Gayle for more details or to enroll your children in our GIFT program.

First Reconciliation for adults

Preparing for First Reconciliation for adults usually happens within our Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) process. Contact Lee for more details.

Reconciliation Resources

Explore these two resources, Seek Forgiveness for families or Be Reconciled for all ages, to review and prepare for the sacrament.

Need to reach us?

Call the parish office to schedule a confession appointment
or email us about First Reconciliation for children (Gayle) or adults (Lee).
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