
a sacrament of Initiation

Congratulations on the birth or pending birth of your child or godchild!

Next Baptism Orientation

Day: Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Time: 6 pm

Location: virtual via Zoom

Baptism Orientation-March

Sacramental Preparation for parents and godparents of infants

Is your unbaptized child under seven years old? If so, we welcome your inquiry about the gateway sacrament of baptism. By seeking to have a child baptized, parents express their intent and accept the responsibility to educate their child in the practice of the Catholic faith, as do the godparents. This time in your life brings a renewed invitation for parents and godparents to encounter, love, and serve Jesus, one another, and the world. Baptism Sacrament Orientation for Parents and Godparents is offered bi-monthly.

Sacramental Preparation for older children

Is your unbaptized child seven years old or older? Preparing older children for baptism is a comprehensive, multi-sacrament preparation process. Contact Gayle directly to discuss your older child's sacrament preparation journey.

Sacramental Preparation for unbaptized adults

Called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) with an adaptation for older children. RCIA is the process for an unbaptized adult to explore the Catholic faith through an "apprenticeship" in the way of Christian discipleship within this community of believers. For more information about this process, including information for baptized Christians or baptized Catholics desiring preparation for the sacraments of initiation, please consult the RCIA page or contact the parish office.

Baptism Preparation process

Explore our FAQs below
  • Parent Guidelines

    1. Schedule your family meeting with Lee, our Infant Baptism Coordinator, Lee Hulburt: I’ll reply to set up a brief Zoom meeting, to meet your family and discuss all the details. 
    2. Become registered parishioners of St. Brigid Church (or another parish). 
    3. Attend Baptism Orientation prior to the actual baptism ceremony; offered every other month from 6 -7 pm, via Zoom. Please register online and I will send the Zoom meeting link. 
    4. If you will or have already attended baptism preparation at another parish, please share those details/certificate with me in your email.
  • Godparent Essentials

    1. Who is eligibile to be a godparent? A godparent must be a practicing Catholic who has received all their sacraments of initiation through confirmation, and aged 16 or older. If godparent(s) is/are married, the marriage was in the Catholic Church. * A nonCatholic, baptized Christian from another faith tradition may serve as a Christian witness along with the Catholic godparent. 
    2. Godparents who are non-parishioners of St. Brigid Parish will need a letter from their parish priest confirming their eligibility to be a godparent. Contact your parish to initiate the request well in advance. If unregistered, please contact Lee to discuss your situation. 
    3. Attend a Baptism Preparation Orientation. See #3 above for upcoming dates offered at St. Brigid. If attending preparation at another parish, please obtain pastor letter and certificate from that parish for our records.
    4. Only one eligible godparent is necessary; if two godparents are chosen, one should be male and one female. (A non-Catholic baptized Christian witness may also participate.) 
  • When will the Baptism take place?

    1. We encourage celebrating baptism during the Sunday Masses, which includes the 5:30 pm evening Mass on Saturdays as well. Celebrating this wellspring sacrament within the assembled faithful is quite joyful and embodies the joy and growth in the Body of Christ!
    2. As a COVID accommodation, we continue to offer single family baptisms on Saturday mornings at 10 am (as available) and Sundays at 12:15 pm, after the 11 am Mass concludes.
    3. Only one family will celebrate baptism at a time and godparents unable to travel may be represented by a Christian proxy. Please discuss this in advance. Families may choose to FaceTime or Zoom their child’s baptism (only outside of Mass) in order for godparents to be included.
  • Is there a fee for the Baptism?

    While there is not set fee for a baptism, it is customary to make a generous offering to the

    parish in gratitude . It is appropriate to offer a modest token of appreciation for the priest

    or deacon celebrant as well separately.

Need to Reach us?

Sign up for Baptism Orientation, contact Lee, request your Baptism certificate if you were baptized at St. B's, or need a letter of good standing to be a godparent.
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