GIFT is our Saint Brigid Parish process of Children's and Family Faith Formation. The idea of Growing In Faith Together touches on our need to keep developing our relationship with Jesus and each other at every stage of our lives.
Nothing. Apart from the day of the week and time of day, the content of Sunday and Tuesday family sessions will be the same. This gives your family the flexibility to choose whichever session fits best with your schedule month to month.
Preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion are part of the GIFT process. A few additional parent meetings, retreats, and gatherings may be scheduled to better serve the families with children preparing for these sacraments. Preparing to receive these sacraments typically takes 2 years - First Communion preparation typically happens in grades 1 and 2 (Reconciliation is also built into these years).
We understand that life isn't ever predictable, and often times your family's sacramental preparation times don't exactly fall into a consistent timeline. So we are glad to work with families on a personal basis to develop a sacramental preparation plan that suites your circumstances.
It is not required to be a registered parishioner to participate in GIFT. However, we encourage you and your family to register with the parish so we can keep you in the loop of our greater parish family too! Registering with the parish simply means you are taking ownership of your role in our family. You can check out the membership page or contact Maryanne for more information.
We're so glad you're here to grow with us! If you haven't completed or received any sacraments and would like to explore the Catholic faith further and consider preparing for Baptism, First Communion, and/or Confirmation, let us know. We'll set up a time to meet and find the best plan for you.
There is no requirement for you to have received all your sacraments of initiation to participate in GIFT. However, if as you invest in GIFT and feel called to explore the Sacraments further, we would be happy to help you on your faith journey and find the best plan for you to receive your sacraments.
Thank you for sharing your faith with us and putting in the effort to teach your children about the Catholic faith. You are welcome here! We are all on a journey to encounter, love, and serve Jesus, one another, and the world. Your life experience and desire to contribute to our community will enrich our experience.
GIFT registration fees are $100 per child, per year, with a maximum of $300 per family per year.
The registration fees cover all supplies, books, take-home materials, snacks/meals at each of the GIFT family sessions and children's sessions.
We want you to know that you are welcome, regardless of your financial contribution to the GIFT process. There are payment plans and financial aid options. Payment plans can be made directly through the online giving payment platform. Please contact us directly with requests for financial aid.
While exploring different approaches to faith formation, we discovered a variety of studies suggesting the effectiveness of learning from family and that many parishes and even dioceses throughout the country are implementing family faith formation models. Here are some links to explore those studies and communities.
GIFT has come from a lot of prayer and the movement of the Holy Spirit. We believe that by cooperating with the Holy Spirit and the movement of the parish to build community and grow in discipleship through small groups, we can better serve our children and families.
The development of GIFT has been a long time coming. We believe that the process of learning from each other and growing in community together will help our parish families grow in discipleship in their day to day lives. We want to walk and work with you on your faith journey today.
There will be various opportunities for participation in GIFT depending on the age and sacramental needs of the members of your family.
GIFT Family Sessions will gather monthly on Sundays or Tuesdays throughout the academic year. Every monthly family session will begin and/or end with snacks/meal and fellowship time. Once you register your family for GIFT, you will receive a monthly email with an RSVP request, so you can let us know which session and how many members of your family will attend that month. Family sessions will include time spent as a family, time spent with other families, and age/grade breakout sessions.
For our children ages 3 through kindergarten, there will be a childcare option during the GIFT Family sessions after the meal. Younger children are also welcome to stay with their parents. On Sunday mornings, children ages 3 (and potty-trained) through kindergarten are welcome to attend Sunday School during the 9 am Mass. See the Children's page for more info.
GIFT is a more well rounded and approachable model of faith formation. Previous models typically centered around weekly, classroom style, grade specific meetings. Now, GIFT will focus more on community, faith sharing, and hands-on learning, in monthly sessions for grades 1-8 and their families. The schedule is the greatest difference from our previous models. We realize that our lives seem to get busier and schedules more demanding year by year, so GIFT family sessions will be limited to monthly sessions on Sunday or Tuesday. Small groups are another notable change from our previous models of faith formation. The movement of the parish as a whole is to lead people towards personal growth within the support of small groups. We want our children and families to experience the blessings that small groups have given to our parish community!
There are many ways to contribute to GIFT!
Pray for the GIFT process, the families participating, and the leadership team.
As a family, invest in this experience - the more you put in, the more you'll get out of it.
Support GIFT as a greeter, meal/snack prep, content preparation, take home bag packing, set up, clean up, promotion, leader, facilitator, and more. Let us know where you feel called to contribute and we'll help connect you.
Lastly, if you would like to contribute financially, we have a tax deductible donation option set up below.