Service, of any kind, is a beautiful way to do just that! At St. B's, we want to support your passions and find the right place for you to express your call. Whether you're looking to serve at St. B's, out in the community or the world or have something stirring in your heart that you need help activating, let us know! We’re always here to listen and support you in your mission to give of yourself to others.
We Serve and Provide: through our food pantry, Neighbors in Need, Give Back Sunday, and community outreach efforts
We Care and Support: through our bereavement, ministry to the homebound, Catholic School tuition assistance, and more
We Gather and Grow: Mass and Sacraments, Prayer, RCIA, C2C small groups, gifts-discovery, GIFT family faith formation, youth ministry, young adults, seniors, and more
“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." - Matthew 28:19-20